Your weekly dose of inspiration, practical tools, and honest reflections for living a bold, moxie-filled life.
Your weekly dose of inspiration, practical tools, and honest reflections for living a bold, moxie-filled life.
For the longest time, I thought that before I could fully dive into writing my book, everything had to be just right. The house needed to be clean, my workspace perfectly arranged, the timing ideal—free of distractions, interruptions, or anything that could throw me off my creative flow. But here’s what I realized: waiting for perfection was stopping me in my tracks. Perfectionism wasn’t just about the book itself—it showed up in sneaky ways. I told myself I couldn’t start writing until I had the perfect opening sentence, the perfect outline, the perfect block of time. And you know what happened? Days turned into weeks, and my book remained unwritten. The truth is...creativity thrives in imperfect conditions. Some of my best ideas didn’t come when everything was in order—they emerged in the chaos, in the messy middle, in the moments when I let go and simply wrote. So, I made a shift. Instead of waiting for perfection, I embraced taking one small step a day. I wrote when I could, even if it was just a few sentences between other tasks. I reminded myself that a messy first draft is still better than a blank page. And most importantly, I stopped letting perfectionism have the final say. If you’ve ever felt like you can’t move forward because things aren’t “just right,” I invite you to take one small step today. Progress isn’t about perfection—it’s about showing up, doing the work, and trusting that the magic will come. ✨ What’s one thing you’ve been waiting to start until the timing is perfect? Let’s break through that together! Hit reply and share your thoughts—I’d love to hear from you. MAGICAL THINGS TO CHECK OUTHarmonizing Energies is about restoring balance.Just as nature teaches us that everything has its rhythm (the tides, the seasons, the cycles of the moon), we, too, must learn to embrace our natural ebb and flow. The workshop will explore how to release energetic blocks, trust our process, and align with the wisdom of nature, Reiki, and shamanism If you’ve ever felt stuck, waiting for the 'perfect' moment, space, or plan, this workshop is for you. Let’s work together to clear the energetic blocks, reconnect with nature’s wisdom, and move forward with ease, trust, and flow. ORACLE CARD OF THE WEEKGet Out Of Jail Free from Embrace Your Inner Power Oracle Deck Empowerment. Forgiveness. Personal Responsibility. The Message:
Some days I beat myself up. Stories play in my head like old TV reruns. I…
When I catch myself in this pattern, I step back, become impersonal, and ask myself… What am I dwelling on, and why am I beating myself up? I write down the situation so that I can free my mind from replaying the situation. I step back and deconstruct the issues. I examine my history objectively and see if I reacted differently this time. I applaud myself for being observant and taking steps to grow. I let myself off the hook, open the cage, and free myself. What old story is keeping you in a cage? Can you stop beating yourself up for not being perfect? Are you ready to open the cage and let yourself out? Sometimes, life feels like driving through dense fog—you can’t see the full path ahead, only a few feet right in front of you. It’s unsettling, that space between where the destination is hidden, and all you can do is keep moving forward, one careful step at a time. But what if we trusted that each step forward would reveal the next? Clarity doesn’t always come in one grand, sweeping vision. Instead, it emerges as we move, listen, and remain open to illuminating possibilities. The fog isn’t a stop sign—it’s an invitation to slow down, tune in, and allow the path to unfold in its own time. We can embrace the journey instead of waiting for perfect certainty, knowing that even the smallest step holds power. So, if you’re feeling lost in the mist of uncertainty, take a breath. Look just at what’s in front of you. And trust—one step at a time, the way forward will become clear. What’s one small step you can take today toward clarity? Hit reply and let me know—I’d love to hear. MAGICAL THINGS TO CHECK OUTAre you looking for clarity? Learn to work with Nature as an Oracle for answers. ORACLE CARD OF THE WEEKPay Attention To Your Intuition from Embrace Your Inner Power Oracle Deck Intuition. Clarity. Inner Wisdom. Inspiration The Message: I started 2022 feeling exhausted. I felt like I had never gotten a break during the COVID lockdowns and instead continued to juggle multiple responsibilities while trying to adjust to living in a COVID world. I'm sure many people feel this way! So, in January 2022, I made a decision to slow down and essentially take the year off to focus on just one thing… Merging 2 healing modalities: Reiki and Shamanism Why? I have no better answer than to say that I followed my intuition. At the time, it made no sense to me. I even laughed about it, but it kept tugging at my heartstrings. So, I decided to stop fighting and resisting the nudge, and instead, I decided to trust intuition. And when people asked, I would laugh and say... What do I have to lose? There are no wrong turns! Fast forward 9 months, and I have learned this by slowing down and focusing on 1 thing... Clarity By slowing down and focusing on Shamanic Reiki, I have learned how to meld the various modalities (Reiki, Shamanism, Sound Healing, Plant Medicine, Crystals Healing, Alchemy, Land healing) that I love into services that are uniquely my own. It's interesting how our culture encourages us to work ourselves to the point of exhaustion in pursuit of success. However, the truth is that by taking a break, focusing on one task at a time, and allowing ourselves to rest and have fun, we can gain clarity, increase productivity, and ultimately achieve better results. What is your intuition telling you today? I was asked an interesting question recently. This question made me stop and reflect... Who is it I'm not allowed to be? So, I went back through time and tracked who I was not allowed to be...
Why aren't I allowed to be this person? Looking back through my history, it’s because the tribe I’ve been listening to says it’s impossible. They tell me, “That’s not how things are done around here.” These voices, often well-meaning, try to keep me safe within the bounds of what’s familiar to them. They’ve built walls around their beliefs; anything outside those walls feels threatening or unachievable. It's taken me years to realize that this "tribe" isn’t necessarily my tribe. They reflect their fears, limitations, and doubts—but those aren’t mine. The truth is that every great idea or shift begins with someone brave enough to step outside the norm. Every veterinarian, artist, writer, farmer, Reiki Master, alternative healer, and business owner was once told, “You can’t do that.” The question is: whose voices am I going to believe? The ones that tell me to stay small, or the one inside me urging me to grow? Listening to the wrong tribe keeps us trapped in their story, not ours. But when we choose to listen to our inner wisdom, we reclaim the power to write our own script—to be who we’re truly meant to be, even if it hasn’t been done before. Learning to listen to your inner wisdom is a practice, a journey of reconnecting with your heart and reclaiming your power. If you’re ready to step into the person you’re truly meant to be, I’d love to help you take the next step. You can start by experiencing the transformative power of a Shamanic Reiki 1-on-1 Sound Bath, where you’ll release old patterns and tune into the wisdom of your heart in a deeply restorative session. Or, if you’re ready to dive deeper, join the Harmonizing Energies: Shamanic Reiki 1 Workshop and learn tools to align your energy, connect with your inner voice, and begin rewriting your story. Take this as your sign... it’s time to listen to the right tribe: your own. MAGICAL THINGS TO CHECK OUTBoth 30 min. and 60 min. sessions are availableORACLE CARD OF THE WEEKThe Journey from Embrace Your Inner Power Oracle DeckTribe. Belonging. Community.The Message: Nothing makes my heart sing louder than hanging out with my tribe. One example is when a few tribe members went to a Winefest event. I should have known it would be a day of fun, laughter, and authentic conversations when I randomly took a small notebook with me. The notebook came in handy as I wrote down some random quotes that were said by the tribe during the Winefest:
OMG....after spending a day walking around, sipping wine, shopping, eating, talking, and hanging with the tribe, I felt inspired and rejuvenated. What my tribe looks like:
Who are the people around you who support you with all their heart and give you spark?
What does your tribe look like? Life is full of twists and turns, but within each moment lies the potential for something extraordinary—if only we remain open to it. Being open to possibilities doesn’t mean abandoning our plans or goals; rather, it invites us to loosen our grip on how things "should" unfold and trust the magic of what could be. When we let go of rigid expectations, we create space for serendipity to enter. A chance meeting, an unexpected opportunity, or a shift in perspective can lead us down paths we never imagined. These are the moments where life feels expansive, filled with the thrill of new discoveries and the joy of uncovering hidden potential. The key to embracing possibilities lies in shifting our mindset:
When we open ourselves to possibilities, we become co-creators of our reality. Life isn’t about predicting the future but about dancing with it—adapting, learning, and growing as we go. So, as you step into today, ask yourself: What opportunities am I overlooking? How can I remain open to the unexpected? In every moment, there’s an invitation to see beyond the obvious and step into the magic of possibility. Are you ready to get your MAGIC flowing? Check out my 2 upcoming weekend offerings: 1-on-1 Shamanic Reiki Sound Bath (Feb 1 & Feb 2) Harmonizing Energies In-Person Workshop (Feb 22) MAGICAL THINGS TO CHECK OUTORACLE CARD OF THE WEEKRisk. Exploring Unknown Territory.The Message: If you walked into my kitchen, you would see a silly chicken water pitcher sitting on the counter. This silly chicken water pitcher sits on my counter to remind me daily of the famous …
Chicken Little Story Why? As I move forward with my dream, someone will always tell me that the sky is falling! The story is always the same, whether it is my community or the voices in my head. Don't move forward with your dream because it isn’t safe! It isn’t safe because...
But the Chicken Little Story has taught me some valuable life lessons that I continually pass on to others who struggle with the same issues. Lessons From Chicken Little
Are you taking the safe and comfortable path? Thanks, everyone, for the kind support and feedback on my upcoming book release. The book is going through the final editing process. Once the final editing is complete, I can provide a release date. In the meantime, enjoy an excerpt from my upcoming book: MOXIE: The Trailblazing 20-Minute Daily Practice to Embrace Your Power, Forge Your Path, and Live with Clarity, Confidence, and Courage. Potholes—those small, persistent disruptions in our daily lives—can feel like nuisances. They show up as running late for an appointment, dealing with a difficult colleague, or facing tech glitches that derail your schedule. While they may not stop you entirely, they slow you down and test your patience. At first, these moments may seem irritating and unnecessary. But they also offer an opportunity for mindfulness and growth. How do you respond when life doesn’t go perfectly? Do you allow small frustrations to snowball into bigger issues, or do you pause, breathe, and adjust your mindset? Here’s the truth: you are the chooser in your life. You get to decide how to react—and, sometimes, whether to react at all. Protecting your inner peace is your foundation, and it’s non-negotiable. When you prioritize it, decisions become clearer, and life feels more aligned. This is your gentle reminder: the power to maintain your inner peace, even amidst life’s potholes, is already within you. Pause, breathe, and choose wisely—you’ve got this. Strategy for Potholes: Shift your perspective. Instead of seeing these moments as annoyances, view them as chances to practice flexibility and gratitude. For example, being stuck in traffic could become an opportunity to listen to a podcast or practice the mindfulness practice of breathing. By reframing these minor setbacks, you reclaim control over your mood and your day. To reframe navigating daily irritations, consider these questions:
Ready to embrace your inner power, learn to manage life's potholes, and reclaim your creativity? Join me on February 22nd for my upcoming in-person workshop: Harmonizing Energies MAGICAL THINGS TO CHECK OUTORACLE CARD OF THE WEEKDoor Of Possibilities from Embrace Your Inner Power Oracle DeckExploration. Expansiveness. Curiosity. New Possibilities.The Message: Maybe you’re feeling stuck, bored, or frustrated. It’s not that you dislike your life—it’s just that deep down, you sense there’s something more. More meaning. More excitement. New connections, adventures, and possibilities waiting to unfold.
Here’s the truth: those possibilities are always within your reach. Sure, you might not quit your job overnight or master a new skill in an instant, but every single day holds countless opportunities, shaped by the choices you make. Sometimes those choices feel small, almost insignificant. Why not stick with what’s familiar? Why not stay in your comfort zone—it’s called that for a reason, after all. But what if, instead, you chose possibility? What if one small change—one tiny shift in how you think or act—could set the stage for something extraordinary? Even the smallest adjustments can open doors you never knew were there. The first step? Start here. Do you have space in your calendar for new possibilities? Does your living space have space for new possibilities? What are your curiosities and obsessions these days? Can you have fun creating more space in your life and see where it leads you? |
Robin Rosenstiel"Joy in the Journey" is your weekly dose of inspiration, practical tools, and honest reflections for living a bold, moxie-filled life. It’s about embracing every twist and turn on the path to creating a life on your own terms—celebrating the wins, learning from the challenges, and finding joy in the process of becoming your most authentic self Archives
February 2025
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I work with people who are ready to stop playing small and start living boldly. Whether it’s building confidence, bouncing back from challenges, or embracing their creative spark, I empower them to rediscover their moxie and create a life that’s unapologetically their own.
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